Saturday, August 30, 2008


I am reading much these days that has to do with the coming election, especially as of yesterday and McCain's announcement of Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential running mate (I think that is how it is phrased). I always find it interesting that so many people see how ridiculous or tenuous some of the media claims about their preferred candidate are but can't see how tenuous some of the claims for the other candidate are as well. I guess that is only natural. I however don't believe many of the connections people come up with between the various candidates and some radical dangerous group. I need some more proof than most of these stories provide. I smile to myself though at comments like "that connection between Obama so and so is tenuous at best, but I find it much more threatening that McCain would connect himself with this kind of people" or "Maybe McCain employed people of shady character, but isn't it more worrisome that some aide of Obama's possible had ties to a terrorist group?" Really if either of the candidates knew someone working for them had ties like these and did nothing it would be equally worrisome. I don't think because one fired his problem people first or it took one longer to find the connection makes either worse or better. Realize that both of the claims were kind of far out there and the media's and opposing party's way of creating drama and possible negative thoughts about the candidate they don't care for.

In a political race in this country both sides always try to dig up any dirt they can about each other. They try to make connections between negatively viewed extremist groups and their opponent. Each side is equally guilty of this in my opinion. I really wish the media, various groups, and voters in general would focus more on the candidates' platforms and less on the rest of the circus that always occurs. If any real troubling thing surfaces then tell me about it but all the smoke and mirrors make it hard to see. I honestly trust very little of what I see on televison or read in newspapers, magazines, or other written news sources at face value. How can anyone these days?

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