Saturday, August 30, 2008

More politics

I remember something I want to say about Palin and think it warrants its own post. On a forum I frequent someone mentioned that Palin said in an interview that she didn't know what should be done in Iraq. This person was disturbed by this answer. I just listened to this and honestly I think it shows a refreshing honesty in politics that we haven't seen much recently. It sounds like she also might not have known exactly what McCain's plan was (it was a few weeks ago) or didn't want to say anything wrong. Maybe she wanted to establish that she did not know exactly what would be the best solution which is what I understood by the end of her answer. This makes sense to me. I am not trying to be an apologist here. She better learn about McCain's plan in Iraq and learn more about the situation there so she can answer more completely next time she is asked. If she stays ignorant then there is a real problem.

I admit that I don't know what should happen in Iraq. I know bad ideas when I hear them but I don't have a great idea myself. Granted I am not a politician or the presumptive vice presidential running mate of McCain but no one else I know is this either and so many people seem to think they know what should be done. I am not a military strategist. I am not an expert on Iraq or on Muslim people. I am not informed about everything that goes on there. I can only get information that is passed through many filters. Like I posted before, news media can rarely be taken at face value. Even statistics can be and are manipulated based on the view the author of the story wishes the reader to come away with. I guess I am cynical on this issue but I have seen examples of this before and have used various tactics myself to deflect attention from various parts of a story and attract it elsewhere. What child hasn't? Until I am in a position to know more accurate information and have experts available to me (which Palin might now be in) I don't feel I really know what exactly should happen in Iraq. I don't really think many politicians know either, they just feel they have to say they do to get my vote. So bravo to Palin for being honest, at least on this issue, in a world where honest seems seldom rewarded.

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