Monday, June 23, 2008

Finding time

Well I keep getting fired up about a topic, thinking of how to write about it, and then never finding time to post before I lose interest in the topic. Or at least losing the fire to type about it. I want what I write to be understandable and anything beyond streams of consciousness about a serious topic take time to write. I can find time to type a few sentences here and there but it is hard to write more. Kids can do that to you. I like to type with two hands, so I have to wait until my kids are asleep or otherwise occupied and then I have to use that time for other things.

So here I am now. I need to find time to transplant some plants too. The tomato plants are getting too big to move easily. I am very excited about my vegetables and will be extremely disappointed if I don't get anything from the plants, especially if it is because of my procrastination/lack of time to take care of them. I am trying. Wish me luck! And any advice on getting my son to fall asleep faster would also be useful. The last few nights it has taken him almost 2 hours and I can't go to bed until he is asleep.

I need to find a better time to write so I am working on that. In the meantime suggest some topics that would interest you to read about. I have a few ideas but want to write what people would like to read. Here are some of my ideas: homeschooling, sex reassignment surgery, cosmetic surgery, the need to justify one's money, health care, Empire a book involving the sharp division between conservatives and liberals in this country, health and weight, and lastly caring for the environment (may or may not include global warming debate). So what tickles your fancy? A very eclectic list I know.

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